As she read it, I was thinking "who has their cell phone in church?", but it's easy to forget and your child probably had their's in their pocket.
Then my thoughts went to coaches who have their cell phones in their hands during training. And actively texting. Or a coffee. Or, way offside, a cigarette.
What message are you sending your players? Are you too busy to be there?
Can you actively and freely demonstrate, as good coaches do, holding a coffee or cell phone? Will your phone fall out of your pocket? Will you be distracted everytime it vibrates?
If our government had the acorns, there would be a crime call "Distracted Coaching". The punishment is too severe to describe here. There may be children reading.
Can you actively and freely demonstrate, as good coaches do, holding a coffee or cell phone?

- Start and end training ON TIME. Don't be chatting people up on the sideline while the kids are waiting.
- Don't spend the first 5 minutes of your session pumping up balls.
- Leave your cell phone in your bag. If you're on call-for work, give your phone to a parent or team staff on the side and teach them how to answer the call. (organize yourself in the event you actually do get called out to work)
- Put your coffee on the bench and drink it during breaks. If you Roll-up-the-Rim and actually win, contain your emotions .. it's only a doughnut.
- No smoking or chewing tobacco. Anywhere. Anytime. No wiggle room here. If you need to, then chew nicotine gum or get a patch.
- Answer parent questions after training.

Free yourself to give your session and players 100%.
P.S. I am also shocked as to how many parents actually text their coach during a game to express their displeasure over something. I wish I was making this up. I am even more shocked as to how many coaches reply during games. That's another story for another day.