Thursday, June 14, 2012

U17 - Saying goodbye to a team father

What I like about this team is not what happens on the pitch.  They are a great bunch of young men.

This week the boys won 2 games and are playing some sweet soccer.  But what makes them special is what happened Wednesday night and today.

Last Friday, one of our team fathers passed away in his sleep.  James Kevin Jennings (Kevin) was 54 years old and a true football fan.  He supported Manchester United and whatever team his son Damon played on.

During visitation Wednesday night, the boys all showed up in their red pullovers with their parents.  They were true gentlemen and represented their friend Damon with honour.  Kevin was well liked by the boys. 

This morning a lot of the boys came to the funeral and displayed the same unity and respect.  Teamwork off the pitch.

For some of these boys, Kevin was an assistant coach at U10/U11 and his wife Cindy has always been social with all of the parents. 

Goodbye my friend.  We all enjoyed over analyzing the games with you.

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