
Thursday, August 2, 2012

U17 - who is ready for the last 5 minutes?

I have always believed you learn most about a player during the last 5 minutes of a 1 goal game.  Are you the type of player your teammates want on the field?

Our next session we will be spending 30 minutes on simulated situations to better prepare the boys for that very situation.  Both down or up a goal.  Last night we were up 2-1 and letting our opposition run freely as they were trying to tie the game.  We escaped with the three points, but it's the third such situation in the past 3 weeks where the end-of-game grit was nonexistent.

In two of those games we escaped with three points.  In one of them (cup game) we allowed a goal  at the very end and lost the game in penalty kicks.

The boys have been doing so many good and exciting things on the field.  If we could add this end-of-game insight into their tool box it would make them all the more competent for their next soccer experience.

When you are leading by a goal you have to defend and work on the assumption that the other team is very eager to score.  Physically, mentally and emotionally, the opposition is pouring out all of their desire and willing to walk off the field drained in search of the equalizer.  They are anticipating the celebration and have nothing to lose at that point.  Are you ready to contend with that as the defending team?

How about when you are down by a goal?  Smarter possession?  More daring players who want to make an impact?  Are some players being too selfish and want to do all the work?  Are your players level headed enough to not get frustrated and work to win the ball back and relaunch their comeback attempt?  Are your players to anxious and exposing you to an easy counter attack too early in the come back attempt?

What role does fitness play?  Are the right players on the field?  Have tactical adjustments been made for the situation?

There are a multitude of tactical discussions to have, but I feel you need the right people on the field to do that job.  As a player, the last 5-10 minutes of a close game are so exciting.  I feel the mental and emotional condition of the players are the bigger factors in succeeding.

At U15-U18, emotions and discipline are all over the map. Co-operation is sometimes hit and miss and you don't want to be criticizing or over-coaching players during those moments.

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