
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Six soccer teams, all ages, boys and girls - This past weekend made easy by LTPD

long term player development
When people hear the term "LTPD" they automatically think of no standings and no scores.  That is a very minor component of LTPD.  Long Term Player Development revolves around age appropriate programming, patience, training methodology and attitudes, coach and referee education, game format, etc, all focused on the player.

This weekend I had direct interaction as a coach with six different teams.  This is what you call a "busy weekend".  And I still managed a 3rd birthday party (Thanks Patricia and John!), some soccer club duties, work to prepare for the week and a chic-flick.

I could have easily planned for each group, walked on the pitch and delivered decent sessions.

By using LTPD as my guiding principle, all sessions involved age-appropriate activities consistent with their development stage characteristics.  I am not the story here ... LTPD is.  Let me explain.

Saturday Morning.

Welland U4 girls.  32 players.  We ran the session using the information provided for the Active Start level and Active Start Course.  One parent/partner per player.  One ball per